Play Like It’s Your Job

You’re fun. Right? Can you even remember that feeling of what it was like to play as a kid?  Maybe sprinting across the field to see your friend at recess, romping around with your childhood dog, or frolicking in the waves on your first trip to the beach?   

Play is just as helpful and important no matter what your age.  Often, the older we get, we are so focused on work and responsibilities that we don't make time for play. But play is important for our health and well-being. It's a way to relax, de-stress, boost creativity, and have fun. And when we're feeling good mentally, we're better able to handle the challenges of life.

Why should you make time to play?

  1. Reduce stress: Play releases endorphins, hormones that reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

  2. Improve mood: Play can help to improve mood and increase feelings of happiness and well-being.

  3. Boost creativity: When we play, we explore with freedom and without judgement. This can lead to new and innovative solutions to problems.

  4. Practice presence: Having fun without having an expectation or purpose, means living in the moment. You can let go of the worries outside of your control and give your brain and body the gift of presence.

    Anything can be considered play if you take a fun and recreational approach to it. Want some help? Here are some playful ideas to get your thoughts going:

  • Take a bike ride.

  • Dance - put on your favorite songs and let loose. Take a Youtube class and learn a new style. Bonus points if the music reminds you of a fun time in your life.

  • Try something new - it’s ok to be bad at it, the winner is the one who laughs the most.

  • Pick flowers, challenge yourself to make a arrangement out of dandelions and whatever else you find. Enjoy the arrangements yourself or leave them mysteriously for a neighbor or friend.

  • Sing karaoke (alone in your house or car counts!)

  • Fly a kite, swing on the swings, do something outside with no "useful" purpose.

  • Paint, draw, build, write, or create with no judgement on the outcome.

  • Play around with some Play-Doh, fidget toys, Legos.

  • Go to the craft shop and pick out a new activity.

  • Blow bubbles, work on a puzzle, bounce a ball, climb a tree.

Play is a great way to boost your mood and create more opportunities for fun in your life. So get out there and play for no reason at all!


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