Quiet your Inner Critic
Hey - you’re in charge of your life, and it’s time to tell that endlessly critical voice to take a seat.
We all have it, and sometimes it’s helpful, but most of the time, it just sucks. It’s the inner critic, that (sometimes really loud) voice in our head that tells you that: “You’re doing it wrong,” “You’ll always mess things up,” “You’ll never be good at that.”
Although biologically, the inner critic developed to help human beings learn and stay safe, in modern times, it often gets in the way of you reaching your full potential.
Based on what you typically hear from your inner critic, research shows that there are approaches you can take to combat these self-defeating messages and put yourself on a true and positive path to wellbeing.
It all starts with noticing. Do you notice your inner critic? Does it have a personality? Check out the chart below to see what you recognize and what resonates with you.
Take a real look at the conversations you have with yourself. Write them down, and talk with a therapist about how to challenge them. See your patterns and look for opportunities to make small shifts. Your mind and body will thank you.